
文学乐 人气:3.06K

编辑点评: 在GRE作文中,句子的作用是无容置疑的,大家在复习作文的'时候,不妨背记一些好的句式和句子。一来可以在考场上拿来就用,二来也可以锻炼自己的组织词汇的能力。本文为大家分享的200句经典句子,推荐大家有选择地背,灵活运用在GRE作文考试中。


181. With the opening and reform policy being carried out, thousands upon thousands of foreign visitors are crowding into our country. They are eager to see this old mysterious land with a splendid culture of more than 5,000years.


182. Tourism brings China a lot of benefits. First, it enables the Chinese people to know more about the outside world and promotes friendship and understanding. Second, it is financially beneficial to China, which needs more foreign currencies for its modernization program.


183 Tourism, however, gives rise to a number of problems. For instance, it becomes a burden to inefficient transportation system.


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