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With the introduction of the GRE revised General Test, you‘ll be able to take the entire test on computer (the Verbal Reasoning, Quantitative Reasoning and Analytical Writing sections) in one session, on the same day, instead of the current split-test administration.



The test fees in these regions will also be aligned with the international fee structure, eliminating the split-test administration price tier.



Here’s what is new for the Verbal Reasoning section:

Antonyms and analogies have been removed from the test, so there are no questions that test vocabulary out of context.

New Text Completion questions test your ability to interpret, evaluate and reason from what you‘ve read. Text Completion questions test this ability by omitting crucial words from short passages, requiring you to fill them in by selecting words or phrases.

New Sentence Equivalence questions test your ability to reach a conclusion about how a sentence should be completed while focusing on the meaning of the whole sentence.

There are more Reading Comprehension questions on the test, including new types of questions, such as selecting multiple correct answer choices instead of just one, or highlighting a sentence within a reading passage to answer the question.




在新GRE中非常明确的是删减了类比反义类的题型,部分同学对此项变化的心态如同巨石落地,身轻如燕。毕竟,长期以来困扰中国同学的破G阻碍即是词汇。类比反义的不复存在仿佛意味着词汇在考G中的重要性不复存在。然而不幸的是,即便类反一去不复返,词汇仍然是铁打的营盘。至少三种题目依然保证着词汇的重要性在考G中毋庸置疑的地位:Reading comprehension, Text completion, Sentence equivalence. 如果说“阅读理解”这部分只是在题型设问上做了一些小的变动的话,那么“完形”和“句子”这后两部分在很大程度上可以看作是现在GRE中填空和类反题型的升级版,特别是ETS还使用了“Equivalence”这样具有以前“类比”含义的词汇,在Sentence Equivalence题型中,主要考查的是单词的相关性。所以,对于词汇,同学们一定不能掉以轻心,要一如既往地保持科学而执着的记背单词的习惯。



Consider each of the three choices separately and select all that apply.

2. The passage suggests that Glass’s work displays which of the following qualities?

A. A return to the use of popular music in classical compositions

B. An attempt to elevate rock music to an artistic status more closely approximating that of classical music

C. A long-standing tendency to incorporate elements from two apparently disparate musical styles


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